The Foreign Trade Advisors of France (Conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France – « CCE ») are holding their 2nd Worldwide Symposium in Miami on May 7th and 8th in the presence of Mr. Laurent Fabius, French Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Development, and numerous other prominent business and political personalities.

Click here to view the Symposium brochure

A few key facts:

1-      It will be the largest gathering of French executives in the world, outside of France, expecting several hundred CEOs, representing 50 different countries.

2-      100 Small and Medium size companies (PME) have been selected in France to attend the Symposium and be coached and mentored in their attempt to penetrate the US market.

3-      The main theme of the Symposium is: « VISION 2025: Implications for our global community, The stakes and challenges of international business ». The main panels will include:

 –       Trends 2025: tech. revolution trends, the new demography: Generation Z etc.

–       Big Data: its influence on our way of doing business, data protection

–       Internet of things : smart cities, machines, robotics and artificial intelligence

–       Triple Bottom Line : People, Planet, Profit and its challenges

–       Attractiveness of France : how to better sell it

–       Economic Diplomacy : How to use it as a great tool to help us grow

–       Asia : opportunities and challenges

–       Latin America : a market with huge potential

–       4 SME panels on how to penetrate the US market

 4-     Speakers and panelists: A great variety of top speakers and panelists will be present. In addition to many French CEOs, there will also be many well-known names from the US such as General Petraeus (former CIA director and head of the KKR Global Institute), Fred Smith (founder and Chairman of Fedex), Pascal Lamy (former head of the World Trade organization), Adam Goldstein (President of Royal Caribbean cruises), Andrew Zimmerman (from Frog Design), Dan Gould (Sparks & Honey), etc. Several ministers from the US, Colombia, Brazil, Portugal, Canada and France, as well as ambassadors of France in North and South America, will also be present.

5-      Registration: You can register as FACC members for this one of a kind event by going to the Symposium website.

The FACC has always been a close partner of the CCE, and is one of the key « partners » in this operation. We are therefore delighted to announce that we have agreed with Symposium organizers that all members of the FACC chapters will benefit from the same reduced registration fees. The special FACC rate of $600 (instead of $850) covers not only the Symposium but also two cocktail events, two breakfasts, one gala dinner, two lunches and the breaks.

Click here to access the Symposium website

It is going to be a wonderful event; we do hope that FACC members will attend in large numbers.

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